Pioneer in plant virus control in the world, Since 2013
any kind of viruses, in any type of cultivation, and in any stage of the disease

Pioneer in activation of plant defense guard & innate immune system to overcome more than 50 types of pests & pathogens, biotic / abiotic tensions, Since 2008

Kelaterin hexa-member pack; Avira, Golden Avira, Exsalter, Fermentaz, Kitomate, and Rootex are be able to eradicate 99.99% of biotic / abiotic tensions

Kelaterin technology is suitable for organic cultivation by reducing all kind of chemical pesticides and fertilizers up to zero

By inducing the synthesis of secondary metabolites in plants, all fruits, nuts, vegetables will be more delicious than before, as we seen in fig, kiwi fruit, rice, pistachio, pear, pomegranate, cherry, …

Pistachio psylla can be controlled by Avira effectively for about 70 days, as Razavi company reported

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Kelaterin Technology is a highly innovative technology in the field of agriculture, founded in 2008 and from at the beginning, ORGANIC CULTIVATION has been its top and great priority. After more than 15 years intensive research activities in different types of cultivations, we can control more than 50 types of pests, viral, bacterial, and fungal pathogens, along with biotic/abiotic stresses and tensions in gardens and farms. Kelaterin Technology by using energetic compounds, boosters, enhancers, and metabolic regulators, effectively and permanently activates innate immune system and defense guards of the plants to overcome all kind of tensions, pests, and pathogens. In Kelaterin Technology, all elements in farms such as soil, water, root, plant, basic nutrition and care in a farm are considered as a significant unit, each of which has great importance, in turn. Any disturbance in each unit causes strong and enormous tensions and crises for plants.

Based on scientific and exclusive formulations, enhancers, boosters, and metabolic regulators, Kelaterin Technology has a unique ability and achievement to completely eradicate all problems and tensions (biotic/abiotic) leading to establish a full standard and organic farm or garden.



Kelaterin Technology top advantages:





Kelaterin Technology is based on strengthening innate immune system, general strengthening and regulation of cell metabolism of plants, which creates an impermeable hard barrier against pests and pathogens by strengthening the plant natural defense guards.


The defense guards activate by inducing:


These guards play key roles in protecting plant against biotic/abiotic stresses and tensions. It is obvious that it is not possible to strengthen the plant innate immune system without enhancers, boosters, metabolism regulators, etc. Therefore, in Kelaterin Technology, complete nourishment of plants by all types of micro and macro elements, vitamins, unusual amino acids, along with specific and exclusive biomolecules is very important factors to activate defense guards of plants. Soil enrichment and improving its quality preferably by using effective microorganisms are essential for root expansion to absorb nutrients and water, which plays a very important role in general strengthening and innate immune system of plants. Records albums belongs to Kelaterin Technology about eradication of more than fifty types of pests, pathogens and stresses, strongly indicate the efficiency of the defense guards based on innate immune system of plants.

Among the numerous advantages of Kelaterin Technology as we do not use chemical pesticides, fungicides, and chemical fertilizers, some advantages of Kelaterin Technology are listed below:


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Salinity of soil and water is one of the main factors in agriculture, which interestingly affects quality and quantity of cultivation in deferent types of farms and gardens. In Kelaterin Technology, salinity is not only limited to sodium and chlorine, but also various chemical complexes such as phosphates, sulfates, carbonates, oxides, hydroxides, limes, and chalks in soil and water are considered as salinity. The most important effect of salinity is soil hardness and cementation, which effectively leads to:
Limitation in rooting expansion
Alteration in soil microbial flora
Reduction of soil capacity in water retention and aeration
The most effective and permanent solution of reducing soil and water salinity is removing salinity factors by digesting and neutralizing of all kind of complexes. In agriculture, organic acids and substances such as acetic acid, citric acid, humic & fulvic acids, amino acids, and many biomolecules, in one hand, and inorganic or mineral acids such as nitric, sulfuric, and phosphoric acids, on the other hand, are be able to effectively reduce soil and water salinity. These materials decompose all types of salts and complexes by reaction with them leading to solubility enhancement of the resulting substances. Solubilizing of salts is the most effective way for leaching and progressive desalting of the soils by repeated irrigation and heavy rain. Digestion, neutralizing, and leaching the solubilized salts in soil lead to enhance porosity and sponginess of soil with increased capacity of water retention and aeration. These useful and effective chemical and biochemical events result to soil enrichment, root expansion, microbial and biological regeneration, etc. leading to improve cultivation conditions in farms and gardens.
As the beginning of creation and life on the earth, many microorganisms live in soil around the roots. The roots create an optimum conditions and environments for living and regeneration of the symbiotic microorganisms in soil and the microorganisms protect the roots against soil-borne pests and pathogens. The microorganisms also synthesize valuable biomaterials and hormones for plants to grow better.

Routine Soil Desalting Methods:
Biological Method/Organic Acids such as Exsalter
Chemical/Mineral Acids
In agriculture, biological method by using effective and beneficial microorganisms is the most effective, cost effective and sustainable methods in soil desalting and enrichment. Kelaterin Exsalter contains different types of effective microorganisms and a significant number of organic acids and biomolecules resulting from the fermentation of effective microorganisms, which plays a major role in improving the soil structure, releasing soil complexes, eventually soil organism and ecosystem survival and maintenance. Microorganisms in Exsalter continuously synthesize hormones around the roots in one hand, they interestingly protect roots against nematodes, white worm, and pathogens, on the other hand. Exsalter is also very effective for enhancing irrigation water quality, pH and EC adjustment. The presence of other useful compounds such as organic compounds, vitamins, macro and micro elements can be considered as valuable compositions for plants nutrition.

Kelaterin Exsalter
Increases soil porosity
Adjusts pH and EC of irrigation water
Restores the natural and biological state of the soil
Improves the structure and quality of acidic or alkaline soils
Acceleration of plant growth rate even in high salinity lands

Application Dosage:
Irrigation: 2-5 liters per hectare

Kelaterin Exsalter has the registration certificate from the Soil and Water Research Institute of Iran.